Once a Supporter and/or Participant has responded to a Pulse Feedback survey, the data is immediately populated on the platform for the Coach and Participant to review.

Project Level Pulse Feedback Results

On the Project page, a Coach can view a compilation of the Participants' Pulse Feedback results.

The Project level Metrix provides the average assessment score for each Participant on the project for each round. 

The established scale is displayed on the vertical axis and the number of rounds is displayed across the horizontal axis.

A coach can toggle between a line graph or bar chart.


Participant Level Pulse Feedback Results

A coach can view the Participant's Pulse Feedback results by clicking on the Participant's tile. The Participant will see his Pulse Feedback results on his front page.

The Participant level Metrix displays the average Supporter assessment score for each Goal for each round. 

The established scale is displayed on the vertical axis and the number of rounds is displayed across the horizontal axis.

The coach and Participant can toggle between a line graph or bar chart.


Reviewing Pulse Feedback Comments

The Pulse Feedback comments and assessments scores are displayed beneath the Metrix. The Status will display the date of the last activity (sent or received survey) and the response results.

The default display is the most recent round of Pulse Feedback. A previous round may be viewed by selecting the number from the drop down option and clicking the green "Go".

Underneath each Behavior statement is the average Supporter assessment score and the Participant's assessment score.

Each Supporters' comments and assessment score is listed in each section first. The Participant's self assessment score and comments are listed last.

NOTE: If the Privacy Setting is set at Partially Anonymous, the Avatar for each Supported will be blackened out (example below). If the Privacy Setting is Open, the initials of the Supporter will be displayed.

To access all of the Supporter comments and to compare the Participant versus Supporters scores, click on either the "Pulse Feedback" link under the Participant's name or any of the comments on the Participant's level dashboard.