When onboarding Participants, it's important to start with an assumptive position:

Coachmetrix is the coaching platform that you will be using to manage all aspects of the coaching engagement.


Adapting to a new application can be challenging. Your client will be much more willing and able, if you provide a quick demonstration and present the benefits of using a platform that will consolidate all of your coaching communications and resources. Creating and sharing a Welcome Kit within Resources/Collections has also proven to be effective in guiding your Participant(s) through the onboarding process.

Additionally, the following steps comprise a strategy to ensure you and your client are set up for a success engagement.

Steps to Onboard Your Participant

Step 1: Once the Project has been created, add the Participant(s) to the system (name, email, and assign a Coach, if applicable). Do not send a Welcome Message at this time.

Step 2: Share your Welcome Kit Resource/Collection with your Participant(s) so it is available for review when they initially login.

Step 3: Just prior to the Intake Session, send your Participant the Welcome Message.

Step 4: At your Intake Session (either in person or virtually), share your screen with your Participant(s) demonstrating the features you will be utilizing and set clear expectations. If your Participant(s) has not activated their Coachmetrix accounts, help them to do so.

Step 5: Send a Discussion to your Participant(s) summarizing your meeting.

Step 6: Be sure to follow up with Participant(s) to answer any questions, resend Welcome message email (if needed) and ensure they have reviewed the Welcome Kit.